Bonomi, il ragazzo di Romentino prima deputato all’Assemblea Costituente e poi parlamentare per numerose legislature. Presenta numerose riforme con le quali sono realizzate rilevanti conquiste sociali nell’Italia del dopoguerra. Più di tutto la riforma agraria del 1950 che ha redistribuito la terra ai contadini, riconosce la pensione agli agricoltori e la cassa mutua per i lavoratori dei campi. Avere lavorato per la pensione agli agricoltori il suo fiore all’occhiello. Non uomo di estrema sinistra o di destra. Padre di Coldiretti, che Moro definisce garante della libertà del Paese.
Bonomi, the young man from Romentino, was first a deputy in the Constituent Assembly and later a member of parliament for several legislatures. He introduced numerous reforms that brought about significant social advancements in post-war Italy. Most notably, the 1950 agrarian reform, which redistributed land to farmers, granted pensions to agricultural workers, and established mutual health insurance for field workers. His work in securing pensions for agricultural workers was his crowning achievement. He was neither a man of the far left nor the far right. Known as the father of Coldiretti, he was described by Moro as a guarantor of the nation’s freedom.